Friday, January 18, 2013

It's Friday and the Sun Was Shining All Day!

Today we had a full day of sunshine, the first full day in over nine days. And it is supposed to stay sunny for the next week or so. One of my FaceBook friends said that she had to remember what she did with her sunglasses since it was so long ago that she needed them.

To change the subject, the other day I had a discussion about the removal of God from our schools. That person's feeling was that God was not taken out of schools but I begged to differ. The following quote is from When Prayer Was Taken Out of Schools:

"In 1962, the Court examined a simple twenty-two word prayer, first used to negate prayer in schools:

'Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.'

This simple prayer, said by children, acknowledged God. Americans’ indifference allowed the removal of prayer from our schools. This is but one of the steps toward complete destruction of America’s original Judeo-Christian educational system. This value-free environment has resulted in chaos."

The link shown above shows some statistics and graphs of the life of our schools, young people, and people in general since that Supreme Court case decision.

The problem as I see it is that too many people in our nation as well as around the world have religion but not know the one and only true God. Just knowing about Jesus is not enough. Even Satan and him minions know about Jesus. You need to know Him as your Savior, give your life to Him, and trust Him with all your heart mind and soul.

Enough preaching. Today was a good day for both Judy and I. Another lazy day of getting up late and taking it easy. Tomorrow I will have to go to the market for bread, milk and potatoes. Seems like the wrong time to go for those items as most folks go get them before the winter weather hits but we didn't need them then.

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